» » Bitter Sweet (2013)

Bitter Sweet (2013) Online

Bitter Sweet (2013) Online
Original Title :
Bitter Sweet
Genre :
Movie / Action / Crime / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Ricky Cano,Rafael Gutierrez
Cast :
Ricky Cano,Alexi Almonte,Danny Caba
Writer :
Ricky Cano,Ricky Cano
Type :
Time :
1h 51min
Rating :
Bitter Sweet (2013) Online

A small town drug dealer finds himself with his back against the wall, as he discovers just how tough it can be to make it out alive once you're in too deep.
Credited cast:
Ricky Cano Ricky Cano - Rafael
Alexi Almonte Alexi Almonte - Steven
Danny Caba Danny Caba - Mario
Patrice Mendonca Patrice Mendonca - Stephanie
Cesar Ricardo Cesar Ricardo - Victor
Francelin Ruiz Francelin Ruiz - Melvin
Ermy Guzman Ermy Guzman - Chris
Priscilla Gavinales Priscilla Gavinales - Elise
Nelson Osorio Nelson Osorio - Alonzo
Angelly Pimentel Angelly Pimentel - Lorena
Heny Puro Heny Puro - Frank
Luisa Sarante Luisa Sarante - Maggy
Jeffrey Nunez Jeffrey Nunez - Nathan
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Rafael Abreu Rafael Abreu - Warehouse Goon #1
Samantha Anderson Samantha Anderson - Myra

User reviews

elegant stranger

elegant stranger

I've watched it twice maybe 3 times. This movie really grasps what it is to live this life. Sometimes good people get caught up in bad situations. Great film. I wish Hollywood would take some notes. This is your modern day gangster flick and how it should be done.You would almost think it was a true story. Especially to those of us who have lived or are living this life. It was very humbling. Bravo! Beautifully done! It grips the heart and sends shivers up my spine. As I've lived all of it. A movie like this has educational value as well. How many kids do you think wanted to actually be a gangmember after watching colors? How many kids do you think wanted to get involved in that life after boyz n the hood? This film packs the same punch. If it makes one person think twice than it has done more good than starwars ever will. Shout out to my good and longtime friend Danny (Santiago) Cabba. Weve got to get together soon and play some tennis! Love you bro and good work boys.