» » The Pitch The Netherlands Film Festival (2013– )

The Pitch The Netherlands Film Festival (2013– ) Online

The Pitch The Netherlands Film Festival (2013– ) Online
Original Title :
The Netherlands Film Festival
Genre :
TV Episode / Documentary
Year :
Directror :
Max Clendaniel
Cast :
Ids Aalbers,Hein Barnhoorn,Ilia ten Böhmer
Type :
TV Episode
Rating :
The Pitch The Netherlands Film Festival (2013– ) Online

Episode credited cast:
Ids Aalbers Ids Aalbers - Himself, Pitch Contestant
Hein Barnhoorn Hein Barnhoorn - Himself, Managing Director, NFF
Ilia ten Böhmer Ilia ten Böhmer - Himself, Pitch Contestant
Maxwell Creed Maxwell Creed - Himself, 'Host'
Sebastien De Lame Sebastien De Lame - Himself, ShortsTV Representative
Joosje Duk Joosje Duk - Herself, Pitch Contestant
Piter Idettinga Piter Idettinga - Himself, Pitch Contestant
Vanja Kaludjercic Vanja Kaludjercic - NFF Head of Industry
Loes Komen Loes Komen - Herself, Pitch Contestant
Carter Pilcher Carter Pilcher - Himself, CEO of ShortsTV
Kurt Platvoet Kurt Platvoet - Himself, 2016 NFF Pitch Winner
Charlotte Spronk Charlotte Spronk - Herself, Pitch Contestant
Roxanne Stam Roxanne Stam - Herself, Pitch Contestant
Claire van Daal Claire van Daal - Herself, NFF Representative
Sophie van de Pol Sophie van de Pol - Herself, Pitch Contestant