Putin is complaining to Voloshin that, while life became better in Russia, it didn't become more happy and is asking him to create parties or holidays for the people. Voloshin agrees and is... See full summary
Kremlyovskiy koncert Prazdnik kazdyj den (2002–2003) Online
- Original Title :
- Prazdnik kazdyj den
- Genre :
- TV Episode / Comedy
- Year :
- 2002–2003
- Type :
- TV Episode
- Rating :
- 6.2/10
Putin is complaining to Voloshin that, while life became better in Russia, it didn't become more happy and is asking him to create parties or holidays for the people. Voloshin agrees and is dedicates the show to all holidays and celebrations of the last week, including the Putin's visits in China, India and Kirgistan, the end of the USSR in 1991, as well as the coming up Russian Day of the Constitution.