» » La caida de Noriega (1990)

La caida de Noriega (1990) Online

La caida de Noriega (1990) Online
Original Title :
La caida de Noriega
Genre :
Movie / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Jorge A. Cano
Cast :
Eric del Castillo,Felicia Mercado,Armando Silvestre
Type :
Time :
1h 23min
Rating :
La caida de Noriega (1990) Online

Credited cast:
Eric del Castillo Eric del Castillo
Felicia Mercado Felicia Mercado
Armando Silvestre Armando Silvestre
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Xavier Bautista Xavier Bautista
Rosario Escobar Rosario Escobar
Jorge Andrés Fernández Jorge Andrés Fernández
Bernabé Melendrez Bernabé Melendrez
Silvia SanJavier Silvia SanJavier
Paco Zavala Paco Zavala

User reviews



This was a good effort to bring to TV the fall of Noriega's regime. I was in Panama during the events and they are very accurate. The low-budget production uses almost all the resources available to show a realistic view but it still having a Mexican flavor. I will suggest to see the movie just to understand better the time and people that took part of this moment in the history of Panama. Due the fact the movie was not produced in US nor Panama, it doesn't have a preference on any of the sides Some of the actors are very similar to the original characters and that probes it was a research effort. I was disappointed that with so talented actors, the movie doesn't bring the drama and passion it could have had.