» » Võrk North by Northwestern (1998–1999)

Võrk North by Northwestern (1998–1999) Online

Võrk North by Northwestern (1998–1999) Online
Original Title :
North by Northwestern
Genre :
TV Episode / Thriller
Year :
Directror :
Jim Charleston
Cast :
Brooke Langton,Joseph Bottoms,Tim Curry
Writer :
John Brancato,Rob Cowan
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
Võrk North by Northwestern (1998–1999) Online

Angela sets off an x-ray machine at Columbus Airport in Ohio and is arrested by the police who suspect she poses a bomb threat. She confides in her court appointed lawyer, and asks for his help to recover her laptop which has been seized as evidence by the police.
Episode credited cast:
Brooke Langton Brooke Langton - Angela Bennett
Joseph Bottoms Joseph Bottoms - Shawn Trelawney
Tim Curry Tim Curry - Sorcerer (voice)
Jeff Yagher Jeff Yagher - Tim Daniels
Kelli Taylor Kelli Taylor - Anna Kelly
Mackenzie Gray Mackenzie Gray - Greg Hearney
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Benz Antoine Benz Antoine - Ross
Marc Baur Marc Baur - Security Guard
Gillian Carfra Gillian Carfra - Shelly, Tim's Girl
Brenda Crichlow Brenda Crichlow - Desiree Jackson
Marrett Green Marrett Green - Charles Robeson
Paul Jarrett Paul Jarrett - Pickup Driver
Kelsa Kinsly Kelsa Kinsly - Detective Vogal
Michael Kopsa Michael Kopsa - Detective Mastro
Paul Moniz de Sa Paul Moniz de Sa - Night clerk