A Note in the Orange (1912) Online

Fay and Kitty Forrest live with a well-to-do aunt in Florida. Auntie has never been married. The girls write a note which reads: "If this note falls into the hands of a respectable gentleman it will be to his interest to call upon the writer, object matrimony. Miss Kate Jordan, Empire Point, Florida." The note is placed inside of a chicken quill. They then run to the orange grove, where the packers are filling the boxes to be shipped north. An orange is selected, the quill inserted and placed back in one of the boxes. Away up north, Bob Nugent, a young bank clerk, buys an orange from the Italian stall, presently his tooth strikes a hard substance. It is the quill. Bob examines it and finds the note, rushes to the bank, tells his assistant that he must go south for a week for his health. He hastily packs a grip and takes a train for Empire Point. There he meets the girls and explains his errand, and they immediately take him to auntie, but her sour face frightens him. Miss Jordan, ...
Released as a split reel along with the documentary Oversea Celebration (1912).