» » El triunfo (2006)

El triunfo (2006) Online

El triunfo (2006) Online
Original Title :
El triunfo
Genre :
Movie / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Mireia Ros
Cast :
Juan Diego,Ángela Molina,Marieta Orozco
Writer :
Francisco Casavella,Mireia Ros
Type :
Time :
2h 2min
Rating :
El triunfo (2006) Online

Barcelona, 1980s: in a tough urban neighbourhood inhabited by survivors and ruled by ex-legionnaires Gandhi, Fontán and Andrade - who are fighting a war for control of the streets - Nen and his friends Palito, Topo and Tostao dream of making it big in the world of rumba. But Nen discovers why his father, El Guacho - of whom all Nen has left is the memory of his brilliance as a rumba singer - disappeared many years earlier. He learns how the relationship between his mother, Chata, and Ghandi, leader of the neighbourhood, was connected to his father's disappearance, and so Nen is forced to balance his own desire for vengeance with his longing to triumph.
Credited cast:
Juan Diego Juan Diego - Gandhi
Ángela Molina Ángela Molina - Chata
Marieta Orozco Marieta Orozco - Susi
Pep Cruz Pep Cruz - Andrade
Cheto Cheto - Palito
Miquel Sitjar Miquel Sitjar - Mediano
Francisco Conde Francisco Conde - Tostao
Javier Ambrossi Javier Ambrossi - Topo
Joaquín Gómez Joaquín Gómez - Fontán
Cesáreo Estébanez Cesáreo Estébanez
Jesús Cabrero Jesús Cabrero
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
José Luis Adserías José Luis Adserías - Confident
Miquel Bordoy Miquel Bordoy
Albert Dueso Albert Dueso - Policia
Antonio Fernández Antonio Fernández - El Nen (as 'Farruco')

User reviews



Actress Ros' bario gangs piece moves from mean streets grim to the sunny beach wedding and back.

Narration sketches in ruling Godfather Diego's Legion veterans and the blacks and Arabs murdering one another in the streets over dope. The boys rehearse their musical numbers and see young Fernández' dad in the group singing in the awful sixties film musical at the local picture house. The story takes on shape as Diego figures out that his authority is being challenged and sets up something better than the messy ending which eventuates.

Striking faced cast don't look like movie actors and the oppressive Bario setting provides atmosphere.

Molina's unspeaking morgue scene is a considerable set piece.A word for Stylish Quico Noizeux titles panning down from darkness to the menacing streets, with the credits lettered on the asphalt.